Our Federal Civil Panel was established on May 25, 1999 by Standing Order In Re "The Establishment of a Federal Civil Panel To Provide Legal Assistance to Indigent Parties in Certain Civil Litigation". The current version of the Standing Order was issued by the Court on June 27, 2016. The Revised Standing Order for "District Court Fund", effective September 1, 2016, provides a means for a participating panel attorney to seek reimbursement, generally up to $10,000.00 per case, for certain costs and expenses related to their representation in a panel case. When applicable, a panel attorney may submit an "Attorney Application for Expense Reimbursement" (click for form).
If your firm or organization is not currently a participant in the Federal Civil Panel and you would like to join, or if you have questions about the Federal Civil Panel, please contact the Federal Civil Panel Coordinators, Michael J. Farnan (mfarnan@farnanlaw.com) and Lauren E.M. Russell (LRussell@ycst.com), or the Clerk’s Office administrator of the Federal Civil Panel, at (302) 573-6170.