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Pro Hac Vice

How does an attorney become admitted to appear pro hac vice in the U.S. District Court - District of Delaware?


To be admitted pro hac vice, please refer to Local Rule 83.5 (c). A form of the motion and proposed order filed by local counsel, which includes certification by the applicant, is appended to the local rules. The motion must include a statement regarding payment of the $50.00 fee, pursuant to Revised Standing Order.


The pro hac vice fee may be paid by check, payable to Clerk, U.S. District Court, mailed or otherwise delivered to 844 N. King Street, Room 4209, Unit 18, Wilmington, DE 19801. Alternatively, an attorney who is admitted to the District of Delaware may pay the pro hac vice admission fee electronically via credit card. Credit card payments may only be submitted through CM/ECF in increments of up to 5 attorneys and selecting the appropriate event code from the Pro Hac Vice Fee Menu.  The events for paying pro hac vice fees request the filer to enter each attorney’s full name, and for accounting purposes, we ask if the payment is related to a District Court case or a Bankruptcy case. NOTE:  For District Court Matters the fee must be paid in the same case that the original motion was filed in.  Case 77mc7777 serves as a depository case ONLY for pro hac vice payments made for Bankruptcy Court and is not to be used for any other purpose.

**Please ensure that payment for the pro hac vice is completed (hit next until you get the NEF notice upon payment), otherwise your card may be charged but the payment may not hit the docket. Please note that all district court cases filed erroneously on the 77 docket will be refunded. It is the responsibility of the attorney to refile the payment properly and to ensure that the docket reflects their payments. Should there be any issues with payments, contact the Clerk’s Office.**


An attorney admitted pro hac vice, may apply for electronic noticing on a case-by-case basis. Registration is only for noticing and does not provide for document filing rights or user account access.

Once the fee requirement has been met and their pro hac vice admission granted, an attorney may register for electronic noticing by submitting the attached registration form to the Clerk's office.  The completed noticing request should be scanned in pdf format and e-mailed to, Subject: Pro Hac Vice Noticing. The Clerk’s office will establish the pro hac vice attorney’s E-noticing in CM/ECF, the attorney will receive notices of electronic filing (NEF’s), and their name and e-mail address will appear on the docket with their local Delaware counsel.
An attorney who registers for electronic noticing should keep the Clerk's Office apprised of updates to their e-mail address, to include their secondary address when applicable.  Updates may also be presented via e-mail submission to our drop box, clearly stating the attorney’s name and change requested.