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The Delaware Chapter of the Federal Bar Association 2019 Annual Luncheon

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Registration for the Annual Luncheon on September 20 is now open.  Because we are co-sponsoring a CLE with the Federal Circuit Bar Association immediately after the lunch, registration is a little bit different this year.


Registration will be through the Federal Circuit Bar Association at the following link:


You do not need to be a member of the Federal Circuit Bar Association but you will need to create a login.  There is an option to register for the lunch only at a discounted FBA member price.  Pricing for the lunch only is the same as last year:  Non-members: $75; Members: $55; and Government: $25.  There are also options to register for the CLE only or to register for the entire event (Lunch + CLE) for additional fees. 


Finally, for any law firms who will have multiple members attending, sponsorships are available.  Sponsorships include 2-5 seats at the lunch and CLE.  Please contact the Federal Circuit Bar Association directly with sponsorship requests.