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Fee Schedule

Please note that, when you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. Below is The Privacy Act Statement from The U.S. Treasury. For inquiries, please call 302-573-6170.

Privacy Act - A Privacy Act Statement required by 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3) stating our authority for soliciting and collecting the information from your check, and explaining the purposes and routine uses which will be made of your check information, is available from our internet site at, or call toll free at 1-866-945-7920 to obtain a copy by mail. Furnishing the check information is voluntary, but a decision not to do so may require you to make payment by some other method.

Effective December 1, 2023

Filing Fee - Civil Action $ 405.00
Filing Fee - Notice of Appeal $ 605.00
Filing Fee - Appeal to a District Judge from a judgement of conviction by a Magistrate Judge in a misdemeanor case $ 41.00
Filing Fee - Miscellaneous Case $ 52.00
Foreign Deposition $ 52.00
Power of Attorney $ 52.00
Registration of Judgement $ 52.00
Apostille $ 50.00
Search of Records: (By type) Name, Lien, Civil, Judgement and Criminal $ 34.00
Certifying document or paper
(Document must be a District of Delaware court document and must be copied at the Clerk's Office at 50 cents per page before it can be certified)
$ 12.00
Exemplification of a document or paper $ 24.00
Printing copies of any record or document accessed electronically at a public terminal in the Courthouse (per page) $ .10
Reproducing any record or paper by Clerk's office (per page) $ .50
Reproduction of magnetic tape recordings of Magistrate Proceedings $ 34.00
Records in Electronic Format (not available in CM/ECF) $ 33.00
Retrieval of record from Federal Record Center or National Archive

$ 70.00

$70.00 for first box requested;
$43.00 for each additional box

Electronic Retrieval Fee $19.90 plus FRC per-page fee of $0.65
Fee for any payment returned or denied for insufficient funds $ 53.00
Admission of Attorney to District Court (initial admission) see FAQ $ 214.00
Annual Registration Fee (for District Court Bar members who have been members for more than 5 years as of 12/31) see Standing Order $ 25.00
Pro Hac Vice Fee see Standing Order $ 50.00
Duplicate certificate of admission or certificate of good standing $ 21.00
Local Rules on disk (no charge if disk is provided) $ 2.00
Local Rules - hard copy (Local Rules are available on this web site) $ 2.00

The clerk shall assess a charge for the handling of registry funds deposited with the court, to be assessed from interest earnings. See November 3, 2016 Standing Order